Thursday, February 19, 2015

Performance Susi Minister Flood Praise, How Improved Income Fishermen? this answer

(TRIBUNNEWS) - JAKARTA, Since being appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries, gait Susi Pudjiastuti reap a lot of public attention.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Jokowi appoint three Executive Chairman of the Commission to combat corruption(KPK), Democrat: Provide Certainty Amid Speculation

(DETIK) - JAKARTA, Joko Widodo President appointed Johan Budi, Taufiqurachman Ruki, and Indriyanto Seno Adji as three administrative task KPK leaders. Democratic Party judge's decision belatedly but give certainty amid speculation conflict-Police Commission.

West Kalimantan Governor held a fireworks Lunar

(ANTARA) - PONTIANAK, West Kalimantan Governor Cornelis MH with the ranks of government officials and community leaders of ethnic Tiong Hoa, Wednesday night fireworks held in commemoration to the Lunar New Year-2566 in the Hall of Governors.

Berastagi city bombarded with volcanic ash

(DETIK) - SUMATRA, Berastagi, North Sumatra, this evening rain of volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Sinabung. This volcanic ashfall occurred at 19:30 am and stopped about 60 minutes later.

After 70 Years Freedom ...

(KOMPAS) - KALIMANTAN, "Seventeen August of four five That is our Independence Day ...."

Clear voice kids red white uniforms waving flag. They are lined in red soil along the way welcome the Minister of Defence Ryamizard Ryacudu visiting Temajuk Village, Sambas, West Kalimantan, in late January.

Eastern Indonesia the world's best gold production

(ANTARA) - MANADO,East Indonesian gold producing the best quality in the world, thus attracting investors to mine the area.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Aligning the Indonesian people in the Era of Free Market

In the era of the global economy today, one of them marked the implementation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, many new parameters be considered as professional certification.