In the era of the global economy today, one of them marked the implementation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, many new parameters be considered as professional certification.
However, in the field, there were just discussing the importance but finished up there. There is also a long time even prepared to act real.
PT Telkom Indonesia is encouraging the presence of two information technology professional certification agency communication. Even one of the institution has been established since 2008 and public --ketika not ngeh what professional certification.
The impetus was realized with the establishment of Telkom PDC (Professional Developement Center) and Telkom Professional Certificate Center (TPCC), which are both everyday operated by Telkom Education Foundation (YPT).
Since January 2008, Telkom PDC was established with non-formal education operating license issued by the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Labor in January 2008.
At that time, the establishment welcomes strategy under President Director of PT Telkom Rinaldi Firmansyah between the years 2007-2008 the company plans to transform into a TIME (Telecommunication, Information, Media, Edutainment).
Therefore we need to design a variety of educational programs, including to graduate high school or college, to have the skills to face the TIME phase.
Once inaugurated in early 2008, the new PDC Telkom operational running April 2008 because many preparations have to be done as the organization of non-formal education, infrastructure, resources, and management.
Telkom PDC create your own equipment such as books and original modules made in the faculty of Telkom PDC. Product name finally set CCDP, stands for Certified Professional Competency Development and, in the second half of 2008 -before CCDP, regular training is called PCP (Professional Certification Program).
Cooperation with various vendors were expanded to enrich the choice of material and certification paths. Not just for high school graduates, professional training program for Telkom PDC also introduced to a number of public and private institutions in Indonesia. And finally, the first admission was opened in June 2008.
At that time, the promotion of Telkom PDC continues to spread letters and company profiles to a number of senior high schools in Indonesia to introduce regular training program called CCDP.
With the certification, there are many benefits that can be learned, among others, help demonstrate the business stakeholders that we work effectively, ensuring that we continue to improve and improve internal business activities, improve overall performance, reduce uncertainty and expand market opportunities, and so on.
Before producing CCDP, regular training program called PCP Telkom PDC (Professional Certification Program). In addition to existing programs CCDP and PCP, Telkom PDC also prepared a number of advanced training.
Take for example, training in Strategic Management, Strategy and Business Policy, Development and Organizational Attitude, Business Performance Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing & Sales Management, Advertising and Brand Management.
Furthermore, Product Development, Customer Service Management, Managerial Skills and Leadership, Supervisory Management, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Self Development, Communication Business, Retail Management, Quality Management, Finance and Accounting, and many more.
Since the beginning, Telkom PDC projected to overcome problems such as unemployment without raises another problem. Therefore, given the high school graduates internationally certified training for two years to have expertise in the field of information technology applied.
To that end, the PDC formed a partnership with a number of information technology vendors with international certifications such as the series of training & Security sisterm Information from EC-Council, ISACAR and ISC2, Database Management & Business Suite Solutions from Oracle, Computer Networking Cisco Network (CCNA, CCNP, BCMSN , BCSI, BGP, MPLS), Consulting Solutions Company of SAPR, ISMS - IS0 27001, Information Systems Audit ISACAR Dair, Technology and Communication Mobile (CDMA and GSM), and so on.
Since the beginning until now, the learning system in Telkom PDC using 75% practical and 25% theory with case studies tailored lecture material needs of the workforce.
Given that a large portion of practice, Telkom PDC provides a representative support facilities, such as multimedia and network laboratories, coursewarelengkap, free internet access facilities, as well as the use of computers by one student.
Besides CCDP, other core products Telkom PDC is a training program for the Professional consisting of IT Training, Management Course, and Language Training. The concept form shortcourse or in-house training for employees or employees of public and private institutions for a little over a week.
The place where the training could also fit the needs of the agency, except for training which requires lab facilities. network, which has the required implementation and internet network in good condition as in the lab. Telkom PDC.
Just like CCDP, participants will receive professional training passed international certification. Just two years running, or the position of April 2010, has 67 public and private institutions have to include training employees in Telkom PDC.
They come from Jakarta, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and even Papua. Now, the distribution of this program more and more with such high credentials of PT Telkomsel, a number of local authorities such as social media training Bandung municipal government in the era of Ridwan Kamil, and so on.
Participants then were mostly from government agencies to train employees to operate a computer and the internet. Then began arriving private professionals / country who want to learn other information technology realm.
Then, starting in August 2010, CCDP not only take place in the PDC Telkom Bandung, but also held in five cities, namely Jakarta, Medan, Cirebon, Tangerang, and Falkirk with the franchise system.
Telkom PDC has been exploring cooperation CCDP franchise system since the beginning of 2009. The agency or a particular company that organizes the CCDP bring in personnel to be trained in PDC Telkom Bandung.
After that, the personnel become an instructor or trainer in their cities. In order to standardize CCDP well maintained, instructors Telkom PDC will get around to monitor the learning process and the quality of student input in the process CCDP outside Bandung.
Even so, the mission of community empowerment through ICT still they do as a form of corporate social responsibility. Eg Internet training to 182 ravine in London (November 2013), the board of education for DKM Mosque in London (September 2013), as well as internet safety training 50 counseling teachers in Bandung in ICT capability enhancement training activities (June 2014).
This is what makes a variety of rapid attainment of Telkom PDC from the outset. In fact, not even two years of existence, Telkom PDC has finally entrusted YPT manage STISI Telkom. Achievement is now continuing. So, the lesson for sure, consistency Telkom PDC deliver trust many people at that time, so relatively quickly established in early childhood.
TPCC and Performance
Initially, the certification body is under the Learning Center PT Telkom. But since 4 September 2012, along with the inauguration of the TPCC by the Managing Director of Telkom 2012-2014, Arief Yahya, management transferred to the YPT.
Located in Gegerkalong, Bandung, this company offers an international certification for employees of Telkom Group, PT Telkom's ecosystems, to the general public.
Early establishment based on the fact that the human resource development (invest in people) is the main program for the company in creating a Human Resources (HR) with high competence. If it is high competence, will ultimately enable companies to conduct business excellence.
The scope TelkomPCC consists of: (1). The training program (bootcamp) professions and institutions for certification preparation, (2). Consulting and Services Solutions professional certification and institutions, (3) Audit institutions and readiness for certification CIQS TUK (Competency Test), (4) Cooperation Implementation Certification Exam, and (5). Publishing TCXXX certification (Certified Telkom) and tifo (Fiber Optic Installation Technician).
Now, TelkomPCC has formed a Professional Certification Agency TPCC (LSP TPCC) nationally recognized through recognition of National Professional Certification Board (BNSP) Indonesia is an independent agency reporting directly to the President to oversee the certification of competence as well as the implementation of the National Competence Indonesia.
LSP TPCC obtain a license as a Professional LembagaSertifikasi P2dari National Professional Certification Board (BNSP): No.Kep.367 / BNSP / IX / 2013 on September 16, 2013, to the certification of competence Fiber Optic Installation Technician (tifo).
LSP LSP TPCC is the first in Indonesia that provides test competence in the field of Fiber Optic Installation Technician who is also the current trend of the access network. This has become one of the forms contribution PCC Telkom Indonesia to support the nation's readiness to face the MEA in 2015, so this is called the "Certification for the Nation".
For the implementation of the certification process, LSP-TPCC in cooperation with the Vocational and Training Institute scattered throughout Indonesia to function as Competency Test (TUK). Total TUK to date a total of 11 buah.TUK who can perform the certification process is TUK verified by LSP TPCC.
LSP TPCC gain appreciation plaque from the Chairman of the National Professional Certification Board (BNSP) for their commitment and dedication in developing professional certification in the field of ICT as well as his achievements in implementing the 1000 certification of the field of optical fiber in a period less than 1 year.
Until August 2014, the number of which have been certified already significant (generally were students or graduates of vocational) that will be and has been working in the telecommunications industry on the environment and Telkom Telkom Ecosystem.
In addition, on 5 September 2014, held in Toronto, Canada, Telkom PCC wings with the expansion of cooperation with international strategic partners.
This time Telkom PCC hook The Association for the Advancement of Relationship Marketing (AARM) to cooperate in the field of certification of Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
Signed a cooperation agreement and Executive Director Rina Pasaribu AARM Indonesia Aina Fiati Neva, in the presence of the Chairman of the YPT Johni Girsang and AARM International President Robert Stacey.
In the end, TelkomPCC always strive to be a trusted partner in the certification through strategic cooperation with various partners both national and global partners. Telkom always aware of various scientific developments related to specialization in the field of ICT. ICT professional certification has been designed and implemented nearly 10 years, all for the sake of the Indonesian Nation
However, in the field, there were just discussing the importance but finished up there. There is also a long time even prepared to act real.
PT Telkom Indonesia is encouraging the presence of two information technology professional certification agency communication. Even one of the institution has been established since 2008 and public --ketika not ngeh what professional certification.
The impetus was realized with the establishment of Telkom PDC (Professional Developement Center) and Telkom Professional Certificate Center (TPCC), which are both everyday operated by Telkom Education Foundation (YPT).
Since January 2008, Telkom PDC was established with non-formal education operating license issued by the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Labor in January 2008.
At that time, the establishment welcomes strategy under President Director of PT Telkom Rinaldi Firmansyah between the years 2007-2008 the company plans to transform into a TIME (Telecommunication, Information, Media, Edutainment).
Therefore we need to design a variety of educational programs, including to graduate high school or college, to have the skills to face the TIME phase.
Once inaugurated in early 2008, the new PDC Telkom operational running April 2008 because many preparations have to be done as the organization of non-formal education, infrastructure, resources, and management.
Telkom PDC create your own equipment such as books and original modules made in the faculty of Telkom PDC. Product name finally set CCDP, stands for Certified Professional Competency Development and, in the second half of 2008 -before CCDP, regular training is called PCP (Professional Certification Program).
Cooperation with various vendors were expanded to enrich the choice of material and certification paths. Not just for high school graduates, professional training program for Telkom PDC also introduced to a number of public and private institutions in Indonesia. And finally, the first admission was opened in June 2008.
At that time, the promotion of Telkom PDC continues to spread letters and company profiles to a number of senior high schools in Indonesia to introduce regular training program called CCDP.
With the certification, there are many benefits that can be learned, among others, help demonstrate the business stakeholders that we work effectively, ensuring that we continue to improve and improve internal business activities, improve overall performance, reduce uncertainty and expand market opportunities, and so on.
Before producing CCDP, regular training program called PCP Telkom PDC (Professional Certification Program). In addition to existing programs CCDP and PCP, Telkom PDC also prepared a number of advanced training.
Take for example, training in Strategic Management, Strategy and Business Policy, Development and Organizational Attitude, Business Performance Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing & Sales Management, Advertising and Brand Management.
Furthermore, Product Development, Customer Service Management, Managerial Skills and Leadership, Supervisory Management, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Self Development, Communication Business, Retail Management, Quality Management, Finance and Accounting, and many more.
Since the beginning, Telkom PDC projected to overcome problems such as unemployment without raises another problem. Therefore, given the high school graduates internationally certified training for two years to have expertise in the field of information technology applied.
To that end, the PDC formed a partnership with a number of information technology vendors with international certifications such as the series of training & Security sisterm Information from EC-Council, ISACAR and ISC2, Database Management & Business Suite Solutions from Oracle, Computer Networking Cisco Network (CCNA, CCNP, BCMSN , BCSI, BGP, MPLS), Consulting Solutions Company of SAPR, ISMS - IS0 27001, Information Systems Audit ISACAR Dair, Technology and Communication Mobile (CDMA and GSM), and so on.
Since the beginning until now, the learning system in Telkom PDC using 75% practical and 25% theory with case studies tailored lecture material needs of the workforce.
Given that a large portion of practice, Telkom PDC provides a representative support facilities, such as multimedia and network laboratories, coursewarelengkap, free internet access facilities, as well as the use of computers by one student.
Besides CCDP, other core products Telkom PDC is a training program for the Professional consisting of IT Training, Management Course, and Language Training. The concept form shortcourse or in-house training for employees or employees of public and private institutions for a little over a week.
The place where the training could also fit the needs of the agency, except for training which requires lab facilities. network, which has the required implementation and internet network in good condition as in the lab. Telkom PDC.
Just like CCDP, participants will receive professional training passed international certification. Just two years running, or the position of April 2010, has 67 public and private institutions have to include training employees in Telkom PDC.
They come from Jakarta, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and even Papua. Now, the distribution of this program more and more with such high credentials of PT Telkomsel, a number of local authorities such as social media training Bandung municipal government in the era of Ridwan Kamil, and so on.
Participants then were mostly from government agencies to train employees to operate a computer and the internet. Then began arriving private professionals / country who want to learn other information technology realm.
Then, starting in August 2010, CCDP not only take place in the PDC Telkom Bandung, but also held in five cities, namely Jakarta, Medan, Cirebon, Tangerang, and Falkirk with the franchise system.
Telkom PDC has been exploring cooperation CCDP franchise system since the beginning of 2009. The agency or a particular company that organizes the CCDP bring in personnel to be trained in PDC Telkom Bandung.
After that, the personnel become an instructor or trainer in their cities. In order to standardize CCDP well maintained, instructors Telkom PDC will get around to monitor the learning process and the quality of student input in the process CCDP outside Bandung.
Even so, the mission of community empowerment through ICT still they do as a form of corporate social responsibility. Eg Internet training to 182 ravine in London (November 2013), the board of education for DKM Mosque in London (September 2013), as well as internet safety training 50 counseling teachers in Bandung in ICT capability enhancement training activities (June 2014).
This is what makes a variety of rapid attainment of Telkom PDC from the outset. In fact, not even two years of existence, Telkom PDC has finally entrusted YPT manage STISI Telkom. Achievement is now continuing. So, the lesson for sure, consistency Telkom PDC deliver trust many people at that time, so relatively quickly established in early childhood.
TPCC and Performance
Initially, the certification body is under the Learning Center PT Telkom. But since 4 September 2012, along with the inauguration of the TPCC by the Managing Director of Telkom 2012-2014, Arief Yahya, management transferred to the YPT.
Located in Gegerkalong, Bandung, this company offers an international certification for employees of Telkom Group, PT Telkom's ecosystems, to the general public.
Early establishment based on the fact that the human resource development (invest in people) is the main program for the company in creating a Human Resources (HR) with high competence. If it is high competence, will ultimately enable companies to conduct business excellence.
The scope TelkomPCC consists of: (1). The training program (bootcamp) professions and institutions for certification preparation, (2). Consulting and Services Solutions professional certification and institutions, (3) Audit institutions and readiness for certification CIQS TUK (Competency Test), (4) Cooperation Implementation Certification Exam, and (5). Publishing TCXXX certification (Certified Telkom) and tifo (Fiber Optic Installation Technician).
Now, TelkomPCC has formed a Professional Certification Agency TPCC (LSP TPCC) nationally recognized through recognition of National Professional Certification Board (BNSP) Indonesia is an independent agency reporting directly to the President to oversee the certification of competence as well as the implementation of the National Competence Indonesia.
LSP TPCC obtain a license as a Professional LembagaSertifikasi P2dari National Professional Certification Board (BNSP): No.Kep.367 / BNSP / IX / 2013 on September 16, 2013, to the certification of competence Fiber Optic Installation Technician (tifo).
LSP LSP TPCC is the first in Indonesia that provides test competence in the field of Fiber Optic Installation Technician who is also the current trend of the access network. This has become one of the forms contribution PCC Telkom Indonesia to support the nation's readiness to face the MEA in 2015, so this is called the "Certification for the Nation".
For the implementation of the certification process, LSP-TPCC in cooperation with the Vocational and Training Institute scattered throughout Indonesia to function as Competency Test (TUK). Total TUK to date a total of 11 buah.TUK who can perform the certification process is TUK verified by LSP TPCC.
LSP TPCC gain appreciation plaque from the Chairman of the National Professional Certification Board (BNSP) for their commitment and dedication in developing professional certification in the field of ICT as well as his achievements in implementing the 1000 certification of the field of optical fiber in a period less than 1 year.
Until August 2014, the number of which have been certified already significant (generally were students or graduates of vocational) that will be and has been working in the telecommunications industry on the environment and Telkom Telkom Ecosystem.
In addition, on 5 September 2014, held in Toronto, Canada, Telkom PCC wings with the expansion of cooperation with international strategic partners.
This time Telkom PCC hook The Association for the Advancement of Relationship Marketing (AARM) to cooperate in the field of certification of Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
Signed a cooperation agreement and Executive Director Rina Pasaribu AARM Indonesia Aina Fiati Neva, in the presence of the Chairman of the YPT Johni Girsang and AARM International President Robert Stacey.
In the end, TelkomPCC always strive to be a trusted partner in the certification through strategic cooperation with various partners both national and global partners. Telkom always aware of various scientific developments related to specialization in the field of ICT. ICT professional certification has been designed and implemented nearly 10 years, all for the sake of the Indonesian Nation
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