Sunday, February 15, 2015

Rule Applied Susi, Traditional Fishermen Catch Soaring

KOMPAS - MEDAN,Traditional fishermen in Labuhan Deli, Medan District Marelan surge following the ban on catches of fishing gears trawl, drag, and hela as regulations issued by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti.

"The prohibition of the fishing gear according to the Minister of Marine and Fisheries No. 2 of 2015, because they damage the marine biological resources," said Secretary General of Solidarity Traditional Fishermen (Sonar), Ruslan in Labuhan Deli, Saturday (14/02/2015).

The increase in catches of small fishermen, he said, among other types of squid, shrimp kelong, snapper, grouper, and others.

"Catch the most widely obtained fishermen are squid and at sea can get hundreds of pounds for every fishermen using small size boats," said Ruslan.

He said, normally the traditional fishermen catch squid in Belawan waters only for one week, and after it has begun to diminish.

However, for nearly a month, fishing continues to gain catch squid. "Anyway squid caught by fishermen Labuhan Deli continue endlessly flooded and they take it from sea to land," said the fisherman figure.

Ruslan explained, the acquisition of a small fishing sustenance obtained it, totally unexpectedly, and the price of squid was also quite expensive at Rp 50,000 per kg.

In addition, squid catches of fishermen are also quite good and the quality of exports to several countries.

"Squid from Labuhan Deli, and Belawan often sent to Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, and other countries," he said.

The data obtained, which are in the coastal fishing North Field, there were approximately 11,000 people and 60 percent of them are traditional fishermen using small fishing boats. While 40 per cent of modern fishing boat / boat.

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