Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Execution of the duo "Bali Nine" postponed

Attorney General's Office (AGO) to postpone executions stage II to meet the request of the Government of Australia and the two families of death row inmates in drug cases the origin country, Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan.

"Being a response to the request of Australia and his family to ask for a long time to meet (two death row)," said Head of Information Law (Kapuspenkum) AGO, Tony Tribagus Spontana, here on Tuesday.

Originally AGO will execute 11 death row inmates who had rejected a clemency petition.

Eleven death row it is:

1. Syofial aka IYEN bin Anwar (citizen) murder case
2. Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso (WN Philippines) drug case
3. Myuran Sukumaran aka Mark (WN Australia) narcotics cases,
4. Aaron bin Ajis (citizen) murder case
5. Sargawi aka Ali bin Sanusi (citizen) murder case
6. Serge Areski Atlaoui (WN France) narcotics cases
7. Martin Anderson aka Belo (WN Ghana) narcotics cases
8. Zainal Abidin (citizen) narcotics cases
9. Raheem Agbaje Salami (WN Cordova) narcotics cases
10. Rodrigo Gularte (WN Brazil) narcotics cases
11. Andrew Chan (WN Australia) narcotics cases.

Kapuspenkum also states plan to change the inmates at five locations in the country to the island of Nusa Kambangan, Cilacap, Central Java, this week also postponed.

The sites that are Grobokan (Bali), Madiun (East Java), Yogyakarta, Tangerang (Banten), and Palembang, he said.

In addition, he said, there is a request from the Division of Corrections Department of Law and Human Rights in Central Java, so that the transfer of inmates was three days before the execution.

"The team has been reviewing Nusa Kambangan executor, there were technical obstacles found that the location is rather difficult to do the execution of those sentenced to death at the same time," he said.

Therefore, the removal of the death row inmates will not be made in advance to the isolation room and the location is ready for use.

However, he denied that the execution will be canceled.

"Finding the right (for execution)," he said, "the execution will be carried out simultaneously."

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