Thursday, February 19, 2015

Performance Susi Minister Flood Praise, How Improved Income Fishermen? this answer

(TRIBUNNEWS) - JAKARTA, Since being appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries, gait Susi Pudjiastuti reap a lot of public attention.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Jokowi appoint three Executive Chairman of the Commission to combat corruption(KPK), Democrat: Provide Certainty Amid Speculation

(DETIK) - JAKARTA, Joko Widodo President appointed Johan Budi, Taufiqurachman Ruki, and Indriyanto Seno Adji as three administrative task KPK leaders. Democratic Party judge's decision belatedly but give certainty amid speculation conflict-Police Commission.

West Kalimantan Governor held a fireworks Lunar

(ANTARA) - PONTIANAK, West Kalimantan Governor Cornelis MH with the ranks of government officials and community leaders of ethnic Tiong Hoa, Wednesday night fireworks held in commemoration to the Lunar New Year-2566 in the Hall of Governors.

Berastagi city bombarded with volcanic ash

(DETIK) - SUMATRA, Berastagi, North Sumatra, this evening rain of volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Sinabung. This volcanic ashfall occurred at 19:30 am and stopped about 60 minutes later.

After 70 Years Freedom ...

(KOMPAS) - KALIMANTAN, "Seventeen August of four five That is our Independence Day ...."

Clear voice kids red white uniforms waving flag. They are lined in red soil along the way welcome the Minister of Defence Ryamizard Ryacudu visiting Temajuk Village, Sambas, West Kalimantan, in late January.

Eastern Indonesia the world's best gold production

(ANTARA) - MANADO,East Indonesian gold producing the best quality in the world, thus attracting investors to mine the area.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Aligning the Indonesian people in the Era of Free Market

In the era of the global economy today, one of them marked the implementation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, many new parameters be considered as professional certification.

Jokowi: I Have Budi Gunawan Continue Contributing to the Police, Whatever His post

(KOMPAS) - JAKARTA, Joko Widodo President gave a statement to cancel induct Komjen Budi Gunawan as the Chief of Police and the Commissioner General Badrodin Haiti nominate as a candidate for police chief. Budi Gunawan asked to keep contributing to the Police.

"Bule Mengajar" Kulon Progo introduced to the world

(ANTARA) - JAKARTA, To introduce Kulon Progo to the international community, young people native district located in a privileged area of Yogyakarta province have formed a community of Teaching Foreign Residents.

World Bank Ready to Give Additional Loans to Government Jokowi

(KOMPAS) - JAKARTA, The World Bank admitted committed that they will help the government to inject funds Jokowi infrastructure development. In fact, if the need for greater infrastructure funding, the World Bank could increase the budget funds.

"Essentially we are working with the government. If the government needs Jokowi increased, of course, may not only from the World Bank, but other institutions also will certainly support a corresponding increase in that," said the World Bank Transport Specialist A Aldian after discussion Chamber of Commerce, in Jakarta , Thursday (10/23/2014).

He explained that the World Bank is serious about helping the Indonesian infrastructure. During this time, the agency said that they had funds for public infrastructure, such as road construction and road maintenance.

"If the issue (additional budget) still can. In essence, we are ready to provide assistance to infrastructure policy because we also focus on infrastructure," he said.

The World Bank strongly believes to Jokowi. The reason for Jokowi leadership in Jakarta, various infrastructure built and repaired. "From his conversation, we are confident that he will support the infrastructure sector, especially at a time in the city he has focused on improving transportation infrastructure, water and sanitation," he said.

"All the important infrastructure, but if you talk to electricity must be a priority means, no transportation, such as trains. When it comes to transportation, energy must also exist. Today, I think, energy and transport it should come first," he said.

KPK Chairman Abraham Samad Named as Suspect for Forgery-Case

(LIPUTAN6) - JAKARTA, The tumult between the Indonesian Police (Polri) and the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) that has decorated the Indonesian media for the past few weeks, finally reached its peak with the alleged suspect of graft-case, Budi Gunawan granted freedom from the accusation against him and conversely the Chairman of KPK, Abraham Samad recently named as a suspect for document forgery of his closest acquaintance, Feriyani Lim.
The police headquarter of South Sulawesi confirmed the naming of Abraham Samad, currently the Chairman of the KPK, as the primary suspect as he was believed to have allegedly counterfeited documents of the female that was once a subject of accusation of another Abraham Samad’s case earlier when the issue between the two institutions was still on the preliminary stage.
"After all the evidence are gathered and the case has been investigated thoroughly, then we were able to formally named Abraham Samad as a suspect," The Head of South and West Sulawesi Public Relation from the police division, Endi Sutendi said in a press conference at the Police Headquarter in South and West Sulawesi, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Tuesday (17/02/2015).
Endi said, the accusation placed on Abraham Samad was based purely on the evidence such as the family identity card (KK), National Identity Card (KTP) and Passport of Feriyani Lim. It is believed that all the documents gathered were all allegedly being forged by Abraham Samad.
"The investigation upon Abraham Samad will be done on the 20th of February 2015. We will have a warrant letter for the investigation soon," he said. The investigation officers of South Sulawesi police have already inspected 23 witnesses which include the ones from the district, immigration, and other witnesses.
"In this particular case, Abraham Samad is stated as the head of the family and Feriyani Lim as a family member of his," Endi concluded.

Minister Marwan Appreciation Bylaw Making Problem Gemstones

(TRIBUNNEWS) - JAKARTA, The rise of craftsmen gemstone, an indigenous Indonesian form of creativity that needs to be maintained. As a connoisseur of gemstones, Minister Marwan invite agate village handicraft industry development while protecting the environment in the gemstone industry.
"Gemstone craft industry, if be managed professionally. I think can be global," said Marwan in Jakarta, Tuesday (17/2).
According to Marwan, if properly managed, Industrial gemstones can increase incomes in the area. Minister Marwan, appreciate some areas in Indonesia, which has started to make the draft Regulation (draft) of the Business Development Crafts Gemstone to increase incomes.
"As local governments Rokan Hulu makes regulation aimed at protecting the artisans and how to exploit the natural resources," said Marwan.
Marwan added, people's creativity in making gemstone, according to him also not to damage destroy natural resources exploited on a large scale.
"So there should be a manual processing, and marketing, so that industry can be developed Gemstone professionally," he said. Until now, there are many gems in Indonesian craftsmen who still work manually and form of household industry.
"In the future, the gemstone industry, should be able to be more professional and uplift rural communities gemstone craftsmen," he added.

One word that Make Susi Interested Being in Government Minister Jokowi

(KOMPAS) - JAKARTA, In the presence of the governor, the Minister of Marine and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti revealed one of the reasons to join the Labour Cabinet of President Joko Widodo. According to him, interest in joining the government is because President thrusting one word, change.

"I joined this government on interest with the word change (which offered President Jokowi)," said Susi in front of the governors who were present in the House Mina Bahari III Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Jakarta, Tuesday (02/17/2015).

Changes that became a mission. However, Susi claims could not do much if the minimal support for it to make changes. Therefore, he directly asked for the support of all stakeholders in the marine and fisheries sector, including central and local governments to support policies.

"But, I is not possible to change it all alone, without support from central and local government. Hence, the governor must also try to follow the changes," said Susie.

Even so, Susi also aware that efforts to make that change is not always smooth. In fact, he apologized directly if policies reap the pros and cons in the field.

Execution of the duo "Bali Nine" postponed

Attorney General's Office (AGO) to postpone executions stage II to meet the request of the Government of Australia and the two families of death row inmates in drug cases the origin country, Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan.

"Being a response to the request of Australia and his family to ask for a long time to meet (two death row)," said Head of Information Law (Kapuspenkum) AGO, Tony Tribagus Spontana, here on Tuesday.

Originally AGO will execute 11 death row inmates who had rejected a clemency petition.

Eleven death row it is:

1. Syofial aka IYEN bin Anwar (citizen) murder case
2. Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso (WN Philippines) drug case
3. Myuran Sukumaran aka Mark (WN Australia) narcotics cases,
4. Aaron bin Ajis (citizen) murder case
5. Sargawi aka Ali bin Sanusi (citizen) murder case
6. Serge Areski Atlaoui (WN France) narcotics cases
7. Martin Anderson aka Belo (WN Ghana) narcotics cases
8. Zainal Abidin (citizen) narcotics cases
9. Raheem Agbaje Salami (WN Cordova) narcotics cases
10. Rodrigo Gularte (WN Brazil) narcotics cases
11. Andrew Chan (WN Australia) narcotics cases.

Kapuspenkum also states plan to change the inmates at five locations in the country to the island of Nusa Kambangan, Cilacap, Central Java, this week also postponed.

The sites that are Grobokan (Bali), Madiun (East Java), Yogyakarta, Tangerang (Banten), and Palembang, he said.

In addition, he said, there is a request from the Division of Corrections Department of Law and Human Rights in Central Java, so that the transfer of inmates was three days before the execution.

"The team has been reviewing Nusa Kambangan executor, there were technical obstacles found that the location is rather difficult to do the execution of those sentenced to death at the same time," he said.

Therefore, the removal of the death row inmates will not be made in advance to the isolation room and the location is ready for use.

However, he denied that the execution will be canceled.

"Finding the right (for execution)," he said, "the execution will be carried out simultaneously."

Monday, February 16, 2015

Foreign Ministry: UN chief Ban Can not Implementation of the Death Penalty in Indonesia

(DETIK) - JAKARTA, The death penalty in Indonesia for drug kingpin reap appeal from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. Ministry of Foreign Affairs was not able to assess the appeal prohibit executions in Indonesia.

"UN Secretary General can not prohibit the death penalty in Indonesia," said a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, Arrmanatha Nasir through sisngkat message, Monday (02/16/2015) night.

The death penalty is also regulated by international regulations, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). In the rule, the death penalty can be given to the perpetrators of serious crimes. In the kategoti, Indonesia assessing drugs are serious crimes.

"Executions in Indonesia did not violate international rules," said the man who is familiarly called the Tata.

Indonesia as a sovereign state has a law. So that drug-related crimes committed in Indonesia can be punishable by death according to applicable law, regardless of the 'color' the culprit.

"Indonesia has a rule of law that no intervention by any party," said Tata.

The Indonesian government has issued a warrant for the removal of two members of the Bali Nine ringleader Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran of LP Kerobokan to reclaiming. This is related to the preparation of the execution WN Australia.

As a result, the Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott asked execution was canceled. Even Bishop states citizens can only Indonesian tourist boycott if Andrew-Myuran actually executed.

Jade 20 Ton in Nagan Raya who contested Citizens

(DETIK) - BANDA ACEH, Stone is becoming a trend. The price is crazy. From tens of thousands to billions of dollars. This makes the jade in Nagan Raya, Aceh, so disputes between citizens and immigrants. To the extent that the police intervened.

Natural stone is located near the river flow in the Village Krueng Isep, District Beutong, Nagan Raya. Its location in the forest, a dozen kilometers from the provincial road, and can only be reached by walking for 1-2 hours.

Last week, hundreds of residents and migrants arguing because of the stone. Local residents do not want to rock taken because there is a moratorium on natural stone retrieval issued local government. On the other hand, immigrants want to get the stone.

The feud between the two groups is quite 'hot'. There were carrying weapons of all. Fortunately, the police managed to defuse the tension.

Mounted police line around the stone after the incident. No one should take it one iota. As a result, until recently, a stone weighing 20 tons was estimated to remain in place.

Local district government issued a moratorium on the taking of natural stone on 5th February. Residents in Nagan Raya is not allowed to take the stone. This is done to prevent environmental damage. This rule applies to the upcoming March 8, 2015.

Jade Aceh is of high value. When you have scrubbed and ready-made, the price could reach millions of dollars. Even billions. Not surprisingly, there are people who are willing to come up with a sharp weapon for the sake of large stones as found in the Village of Krueng Isep, District Beutong, the Nagan Raya.

Australians: Why Should We Boycott Bali?

(DETIK) -JAKARTA,Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop threat that its citizens are ready to boycott Indonesia travel is not entirely true. A resident of Australia, Anthony Dennis wrote an article with the title 'Bali Nine executions: Why we should not boycott Bali'.

"The Indonesian government may be eligible to receive public anger Australia, but not with the people of Bali," Anthony said in an article in Tuesday (02/17/2015).

Dennis is a national editor in the media. He said he would go to Bali this weekend and he is an opponent of the death penalty. But Dennis pleaded not going to cancel a planned trip Australian public despite calls to boycott travel to Indonesia. According to him, this act stupid, misguided and hypocritical.

"(In Bali) We get drunk, we take and yes, we use drugs, with major violations gathered half-naked and enjoy the resort and not think of a culture (Bali) are very very different in this world," said Anthony.

According to Dennis, the boycott threat will not last long because it is based on a survey, Australian society, although not consciously been considered Bali as part of Australia.

"Before we boycott Bali we must clean up our own act tacky," said Anthony.

When the Bali bombings, Australian praise and declare his love to Bali. But why in the case of planned execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, Australians are just the opposite.

"The Indonesian government may be eligible to receive public anger Australia, but not for the people of Bali," said Anthony.

No doubt, this paper reap a lot of comments. 161 People comment on the Dennis opinion.

"Strongly agree Anthony! As a frequent traveler who has been to Bali (Since the '70s), I will not boycott Bali. Those beautiful Bali should be made to suffer because of their government in Jakarta," said one commentator, Jann Burmester.

"I'm not going to go there until this terrible situation passes," said Kendra Vandame Anthony denied writing.

ICW suspect Decision Budi Gunawan Smelling Pretrial Intervention

(KOMPAS) - JAKARTA, Coordinator of the Division of Law and Justice Monitoring Indonesia Corruption Watch Emerson Yuntho assume judge intervened Sarpin Rizaldi certain parties in deciding the results of a pretrial hearing that was sued by the Commissioner-General Budi Gunawan. In fact, said Emerson, who won a pretrial ruling party Budi was predictable from the start.

"Intervention on Sarpin, we thought yes there is. It has been caught will win the BG," Emerson said KPK building, Jakarta, Monday (16/02/2015).

Moreover, Emerson added, Sarpin has a bad track record as a judge. He said, during Sarpin become a judge, he has reported eight times to the Judicial Commission. Sarpin also double checked on the Supreme Court.

Therefore, he urged the Commission filed a pretrial judicial review of the decision to the Supreme Court. Otherwise, he said, the more corruption suspects will be talkative filed pretrial because it considers suing the suspect status is justified.

"I do not just suspect the Commission, but at the AGO is also the same. They will be arguing about pretrial. There will be legal chaos," said Emerson.

Single judge pretrial hearing, Sarpin Rizaldi, decided that the determination of the suspect Budi Gunawan invalid. Sarpin granted part pretrial Budi Gunawan submitted to the Commission.

"District Court decided to accept the applicant's claim in part and rejected in part," said Sarpin while knocking hammer session three times.

Judges gave the decision after considering a number of things, among other arguments of the applicant's claim (Budi Gunawan), response to the lawsuit from the respondent (KPK), as well as evidence and witnesses presented by both parties.

In her ruling, Judge considers that Budi not including law enforcement and not the current state officials suspected cases occurred. He agreed with the evidence submitted documents Budi parties.

Current Fertilizer Distribution, Ministry of Agriculture Food Self-Sufficiency Can Optimistic Indonesia

(KOMPAS) - BOGOR, The Government has committed within a period of three years, Indonesia is able to perform self-sufficiency. To achieve this, the Ministry of Agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture) is currently "speeding" to make a breakthrough and supervision.

Because the Ministry of Agriculture will try to accelerate the achievement of self-sufficiency in rice and corn and soybean production increase in less than three years.

To smooth out the plan, the Minister of Agriculture, Amran Solomon ensure distribution of fertilizers to farmers on time. According to him, if the timely distribution of fertilizer, while crop production in accordance with the government's target.

"If the distribution of fertilizer late one week, will impact a loss of 1 ton. If 5 million ha of fertilizer that is delivered late, the state lost 5 million tons of rice. 5 million tons of rice that can be self-sufficient," said Amran, while providing information on Management Training Center and Agricultural Leadership, Ciawi, Bogor, West Java, on Monday (02/16/2015).

According Amran, the distributor must distribute timely fertilizer. Therefore, the performance of the distributor will be monitored. If the distribution of fertilizer late, the Ministry of Agriculture will give them an ultimatum revoke the operating license.

"They can not timely distribution of fertilizer then we pull the permit. Ministry of Agriculture will assign one person to be placed in one district to supervise," said Amran.

In addition to monitoring the distribution of fertilizer, said Amran, to note also is the matter of irrigation and agricultural machinery.

"So the irrigation repair, procurement of seeds, fertilizers and agricultural machinery within three years I believe productivity will go up. During this time the damage irrigation, low absorption of seeds and fertilizers and the lack of use of agricultural machinery became a key inhibitor of self-sufficiency, "said Amran.

2 Arrested Without Permission Trawl Boat Ditpolair East Kalimantan

(DETIK) - NUNUKAN, Gakkum Ditpolair Team East Kalimantan Police (Kaltim) captured two ships from Indonesia trawl fishing without permission. The ship allegedly capitalized Malaysian barons.

This was conveyed Dirpolair East Kalimantan Police Superintendent Yassin, Monday (16/02/2015). He explained that the two ships are Rizki KM and KM Wira.

"When we have secured, known to every ship has two flags, namely Indonesia and Malaysia. This ship we capture not have SIPI / Permit Fishing," said Superintendent Yassin.

AKBP Yassin explained, these two ships captured the team on Saturday (14/2) at around 22:00 pm. Both vessels were arrested in Coral Unarang Sebatik, Nunukan, bordering Malaysia.

"This afternoon the crew during examination, that the day before they were from Tawau, Malaysia," said Superintendent Yassin.

Furthermore AKBP Yassin explained, KM Rizki owner named Amirullah from Makassar. In the ship was found 200 kg of fish mixture.

For KM Wira, he continued, the owner of the ship named Mustang with a mixture of fish cargo of about 100 kg. "From both these ships, 4 person crew and skippers consisting we make the suspect. They are all citizens of Indonesia. However, in an action for fishing without permission is capitalized barons from Malaysia," said Superintendent Yassin.

"Both ships are suspected violated Pasat 93 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 27 paragraph 1 of Law No. 45 Year 2009 on 31 th Amendment Act No. 2004 on Fisheries," concludes AKBP Yassin.

Malaysia Supports Death Penalty Indonesia

(REPUBLIKA) - JAKARTA, Malaysian Ambassador to Indonesia, Dato Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim expressed his view on executions, which applied to the Government of Indonesia on drug offenders. He said Indonesia must uphold the rules that have been made despite a lot of criticism from various parties.

Speaking in front of reporters at the Malaysian Embassy in Indonesia, Monday (16/2), Dato Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim said, narcotics is a shameful crime. In Malaysia, the death penalty has long been applied to those who committed crimes of this kind.

For that Dato Seri Zahrain said Indonesia must uphold the regulations that have been issued. "Do not be the same that was done, that it was released," he said.

He added that six Malaysian citizens themselves now face the death penalty by the Government of Indonesia. As a Malaysian state tries to save its citizens to submit a letter for forgiveness, but according to Dato Seri Zahrain if amnesty was granted Malaysia will continue to respect the decision of Indonesia.

"We will continue to ask seduction letter (petition) but if not given, so we respect," said Dato Seri Zahrain.

According to him like in the country, the death penalty is applied for a deterrent effect on drug offenders. But he could not be sure, the application of such penalties can reduce the number of drug trafficking in Malaysia.

"If the problem of reducing or not we do not know, there are actors eraser way to make money by illicit means such as narcotics," he said.

Australia 'excessive' If bans its citizens traveled to Indonesia

(TRIBUNNEWS) - JAKARTA, The threat of the Australian Government to prohibit turisnya not visit Indonesia deemed too 'much' or exaggerated by the Government of Indonesia.
According to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, A.M. Fachir attitude was excessive in view of the death penalty from the country's Narcotics convicted. According Fachir, Indonesia is open to anyone who would like to visit, the origin is not unlawful.
"I thought it might be too much time yes, because who wants to go to Indonesia the tourists and not the government," said Fachir at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Central Jakarta, Monday (16/02/2015).
Fachir also stressed Indonesia's decision to execute foreign nationals who are guilty according to law. No other country can intervene, even though the UN Secretary General. Moreover, international law does not prohibit a state to implement the death penalty.
If then there is the international discourse about the moratorium on the death penalty, but not the obligation Indonesia to follow it.
Fachir say such a thing is in the framework of international law. Every country has the right to implement the death penalty or not, so there is no problem about the Indonesian decision.
Anyone countries that make statements about the death penalty by Indonesia can not be separated from the interests and position of the country.
"So I think no need to debate things like that, that we have a policy of its own and we keep doing what we think, our interests are we going to do," said Fachir.
Even so, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also did not turn a blind eye if this situation could potentially lead to friction in Australia. Of particular concern are Indonesian citizens will bear the brunt of this polemic.
Fachir judge it will continue to monitor the presence of citizens in the continent. Moreover, according to the Ministry's survey of research results, he saw the maturity of Australia to address this condition.
"We certainly anticipate a wide range of possibilities. Therefore we appeal to do is remain vigilant of friends there, but we believe the Australian people mature in response to this," he added.
Embassy also continue to communicate with the Australian side. Until now, the state is still conducive to bilateral relations. No threats leading to the Indonesian Embassy as feared.
United Nations (UN) also do not give negative tone appeals regarding decisions Indonesia. Moreover condemn and prohibit the Republic of Indonesia to implement the death penalty. For information, both WN Australia to be executed is Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.
They are members of the Bali Nine, the designation for nine Australian citizen who distribute drugs in Bali. Both were arrested when smuggle 8.3 kilograms of heroin worth 4 million US dollars of Australia in 2005.

Main theme Cabinet meeting in Bogor Palace Political Communication Problem

(DETIK) - BOGOR, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) perform cabinet meeting in Bogor, West Java. The main theme of the meeting is a matter of political communication.

Cabinet meeting finished at around 21:40 pm and was attended by all cabinet ministers work on Monday (02/16/2015). "It's a matter of political communication," said Justice Minister Yasonna Laoly after cabinet meeting.

On the same occasion, the head of BIN Marciano Nurman also said that the cabinet meeting to discuss the political communication. "Great points how better communication with all parties," said Marciano.

The ministers were asked to make improvements communication to the whole society so that government programs can be known. "Many things can be done, but not all can be known," he said.

Jokowi Admits 78% Cabinet Unprecedented So Minister

(OKEZONE) - JAKARTA, President Jokowi collects all cabinet ministers who are members of the work in order to provide guidance related to the evaluation of the performance during the first 100 days of his administration. The reason, the 'helpers' this Jokowi approximately 78 percent had never been a minister.
"Tonight we probably relaxed want to talk about 100 days or three months either in the process of working, consolidation organization that is crucial in the early days," said Jokowi in Bogor, West Java, on Monday (02/16/2015).

Jokowi added, with all ministers gathered in the evening, then he will evaluate several issues related to the governance structure consisting of a single entity. "The relationship of the president, vice president, coordinating minister and minister to the governor, the mayor and others we need to understand," he said.

Jokowi recognized, that the administration is filled by new ministers who have not previously served as minister. Therefore, he said that many of the ministers appointed by inexperienced or amateur.

"As I see it, that is in our ministry, in our cabinet, I think 78 percent had never become a minister. There has never been in government, so that the adjustments we need to say that we are all one line from the center to the provinces and districts of the city, so that no problem, "said Jokowi.

"First, I have to say about politics and public communication which I noted a few things, the first of our activities followed by the media and monitored by the people and the world. People look at our performance," he said.

Opposed UN Secretary General, the Attorney General: We Remain Under Plan

(DETIK) - JAKARTA, Attorney General H.M. Prasetyo undaunted even though the execution was opposed by many parties, including the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. Prasetyo said the executions remain as planned.

"We stay within what we had planned. We will do that court decision is legally binding, any decision, including the death penalty," said Prasetyo in office, Jl Sultan Hasanuddin, South Jakarta, Monday (16/02/2015).

Prasetyo confirms that the special execution of death row inmates have to go through various procedures. And it has to implement it completely.

"Especially the death penalty, we've been through various procedures, including the legal right to convict concerned. If it is filled with everything and thoroughly. There is no other reason for delaying the implementation," he said.

Still, Prasetyo still keep the execution of the second phase. Ex Jampidum it explains the considerations that must be prepared in advance.

"Many things must be considered. Moving concerned to the place of execution, notice the weather as well, the safety factor. A lot of what we have to take into account," said Prasetyo.

"Criminal die'm not as simple as one might think. Not just shoot dor and die. Must be prepared everything, examined again his rights have been fulfilled yet, if there are no remaining issues, then we do," said Prasetyo.

Equate Vision, Jokowi Invite minister Dinner

For the first time, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) collects all the ministers in the cabinet work to hold a plenary cabinet meeting in Bogor, West Java. Plenary cabinet meeting itself will be conducted at 19:00 pm.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Djalil disclose the contents of the meeting.

"Actually, for equalization vision and mission alone," said Sofyan in Bogor Palace, Monday (02/16/2015).

Sofyan added, the time that has been running for three months, confirmed the minister had an overview of the program to be run.

"All the ministers that had the same vision for our mission work as a team. So it is more to the equation vision of working as a team," he added.

In the plenary cabinet meeting, also held a dinner together between Jokowi with all his ministers.

Minister Gobel Stop Rice Bulog in Cipinang Market

(OKEZONE) - BOGOR, Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel acknowledges rogue practices that cause the price of rice Bulog in Cipinang Rice Main Market is quite expensive. Because the price of rice Bulog sold over 10 thousand / liter.
Rachmat explained, to overcome this problem, the Ministry of Trade will reduce stocks of rice Bulog to PIBC. "There alone, only there because there is no supply to it. We had been there also not up to the community," said Rachmat in Bogor, West Java, on Monday (02/16/2015).

According to him, this time Bulog through food distribution station in Cipinang carried out through a task force (task force). Thus, it is now will be more channeled through the task force.

"So right through Pasar Jaya, through food station, the same task force directly to the public. So far the food station, is that we change more to the community," said Rachmat.

He went on, the Ministry of Trade has made unannounced visits to the landfill Bulog. As a result, the rice market operations turned out to be processed back and circulated to other markets with higher prices.

"I went to the dump the rice, it is processed again even into another place. Now we change the strategy to the public directly through the task force," he said.

Therefore, he said the reduction in stock Bulog came into effect today. Thus, people will feel the real price of rice. "As of today (subtract Cipinang rice stocks). People immediately receive the actual price of rice," he said.

Protests Australia Not Affect Execution Duo 'Bali Nine'

(TRIBUNNEWS) - JAKARTA, Attorney General, Muhammad Prasetyo admitted not sure when two Australian citizen sentenced to death in drug cases, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, will be executed.
Told reporters at the presidential palace in Bogor, West Java, on Monday (16/02/2015), Prasetyo said it was still waiting for the preparation of the execution, one of which is the transfer of Andrew and Myuran to prison in Nusa Kambangan.
"We're still waiting, they moved just yet," he said.
Prasetyo pleaded not sure when the preparation is completed and two members of the "Bali Nine" was executed. He has not been able to ascertain whether the execution of both can be done this month.
However, he said the Prosecutor will not delay or even cancel simply because the Australian government protested loudly, and threatened to ban its citizens visit Indonesia.
Andrew and Myuran said he would be treated the same as other death row inmates have been executed, both Indonesian citizens and foreign nationals.
"Australia as well as other, will not be canceled (execution)," said Prasetyo.

Post Pretrial BG, Judge Sarpin Will Reported to Judicial Commission and the Supreme Court

(DETIK) - JAKARTA, The judge ruled Sarpin Rizaldi surprising to revoke the status of a suspect Komjen Budi Gunawan although it did not fit the Criminal Procedure Code. For his actions which deny rules contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, the judge Sarpin will be reported to the Judicial Commission (KY) and the Supreme Court (MA).

"Want reported judges to the Judicial Commission. He is beyond the authority, limited pretrial judge. He can only be tried a few in the Criminal Procedure Code and the suspect did not enter it," said the anti-corruption activists from ICW, Emerson Yuntho in KPK, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta south, Monday (16/02/2015).

In addition to the judicial commission, the judge Sarpin also be reported to the field of supervision of judges in the Supreme Court. Later, the Supreme Court can examine the matter of irregularities Sarpin decision.

"We also report to the supervision of the Supreme Court. Violations of ethics can be examined internally and externally, to the Judicial Commission and the Supreme Court itself. There are disallowed Chevron case," he said.

Emerson pointed out, when the Chevron case, there are judges who also revoke the status of a suspect. Shortly after that the judge immediately demoted. Thus, the anti-corruption activists hope that the judge Sarpin can be fired for not bore no decision according to the rules again in the future.

"So we asked the judge is checked. Should the Sarpin fired," said Emerson.

"It has been caught will win the BG. He never reported 8 times, once checked in internal MA 2 times," he added.

Especially for the Commission, Emerson and civil society coalition hopes that the Commission filed an extraordinary legal remedy, namely PK. PK which can be pursued only the Commission to overturn the judge Sarpin strange.

"Hence, the Commission should PK, there are circular MA, may PK in pretrial. If you do not PK, KPK suspects are now going to ask pretrial too. Not only suspect KPK, but in the grand Attorney equally. They will be arguing about pretrial. There will be chaos law, "he said.

Australian tourist boycott threat response

(ANTARA) - BOGOR, The Australian Government has expressed disgust over the provisions of the execution of the Bali Nine members, in the near future. They threatened to boycott tourism in Indonesia, with Bali as a destination for their top spot.

Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya, threw her response, "You better not say not to worry because they will be (likely) prove, practice, children will play happily, can be seen from the figure despite being cranky parents. There is no impact."

"Tourism is the base people to people not government to government so expect when parents fight, children still play together, is expected to like it too," John said after attending a meeting of the Limited field of Tourism, at the Bogor Palace on Monday.

Therefore, he expects people to people relationships including socio-cultural relations between the people of Indonesia to the Australian people can stay in touch better.

So far, it monitors no significant effect related to the threat that the Australian Government filed. Nevertheless Yahya expressed cautious to comment for fear worsen the situation. (Read: Superman Is Dead commented "boycott" by the Australian tour)

Relations between Indonesia and Australia are almost always in a state of "ups and downs" backed a variety of issues and national or regional interests.

The presence of Australian tourists-particularly in Bali-- very significant. Of the overall 9.4 million foreign tourists to Indonesia, Australia accounted for 1.2 million people. "There will be no correction targets, because statistically not go down, there is no effect. But this does not mean challenging yes," said Yahya.

Lawsuit Budi Gunawan Accepted, President Poor Anti-Corruption

(TRIBUNNEWS) - JAKARTA, Chairman Setara Institute, Hendardi, assessing the judge's ruling Sarpin Rizaldi accept applications Commissioner General Budi Gunawan and expressed the determination of the Commission to BG suspect unauthorized, is a bad precedent for the eradication of corruption.
"Despite a pretrial ruling Budi Gunawan provide solutions for President Joko Widodo, keep in mind the decision raises a bad precedent for the eradication of corruption," said Hendardi in a press statement received by reporters on Monday (02/16/2015).
According to Hendardi there are many opinions about the proposed pretrial ruling Budi Gunawan. Budi Gunawan opposing currents pretrial ruling was flawed because it considers contrary to the Criminal Code, because the determination of the suspect is not the object of pretrial.
However, because there is no mechanism for appeal against the decision of the pretrial, then a formal decision has legally enforceable and formally restore the entire rights of the accused, including the right to be inducted into the National Police Chief.
"Although a formal determination of the suspect was null and void, at the level of political ethics ruling was still a current of opposition, as well as many defects in the pretrial process Budi Gunawan," he said.
Hendardi explain your way out of this mess, there is no other way for Jokowi to induct Budi Gunawan as police chief in advance, with a formal legal arguments Budi Gunawan deserve to be the Chief of Police for the determination of the court ruling has canceled her as a suspect.
"Thus, the whole process of constitutional systematically traversed. This is the mechanism most objective and procedural, because everything is based on the level of law and the constitutional system," he said.
However, if after taking office Hendardi said Jokowi will replace Budi Gunawan as police chief and replace it with a new candidate, it's back to the prerogative of the president. Jokowi have that authority.
"The steps taken as a result of a preliminary ruling is not intended to save Budi Gunawan who claim to experience arbitrary actions of the Commission, but the main fact to save the legal system and the state system of Indonesia," he added.

SBY ask God about this Nation

"... Nation and our country the middle you test this now. Please help us ..."(ANTARA) - JAKARTA, Former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) prayer through chirp on his twitter account,SBYudhoyono, after the South Jakarta District Court decided the determination of the Indonesian police chief candidates suspects, Police Commissioner General Budi Gunawan, invalid.

Seven chirp prayer SBY uploaded Monday afternoon, with a * SBY *, which means he is the author.

"O Allah, God Almighty. The leader, the nation and the state we are now testing you. Please help us," the first chirp SBY.

Next SBY pray that God will enlighten the mind and the power of common sense to the elites and leaders of the nation, in order to make the right choices and wise.

SBY also wrote that behind this tempest, there are many stories and drama associated with the lust for power.

"Not all of the stories behind the scenes that we know. But you omniscient. Therefore, after you give lessons, help us," wrote SBY.

SBY begged leaders put the interests of the state led, not personal interests respectively.

"Although a lot of power in this country, but Thou art the Almighty. Lead that their power is used correctly," chirping next SBY.

"With your power, O God anyway, hopefully this political crisis to an end. There are still many tasks for the leaders of the country and the people of Indonesia," Yudhoyono in his prayer cap.

Indonesian police leadership crisis and feud this institution by the Commission has entered the second month. Jokowi President has repeatedly said it will issue a decision about this in time "soon".

2017, the Government Not Send TKI Again

(OKEZONE) - JAKARTA, The Ministry of Labour said it had made a road map regarding the transmission of Indonesian Workers (TKI). Where the road map in 2017, the government no longer send workers in Indonesia.

Minister of Manpower (MOM) M Hanif Dhakiri say, the road map is a response to the expression of President Joko Widodo that some time ago in Solo matter of TKI.

"Related to declare the placement of workers abroad, it will follow up orders president, previously we've made a road map PRT zero in 2017. We will be sending workers profession," said Hanif at the Bank Indonesia (BI), Monday (16/02/2015).

Hanif explained that the termination of workers who filed President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is not because the Indonesian migrant workers is one of the lowest caste job. But more to the legal protection of workers who applied each Asian country.

"Termination sending workers was not because of the low profession, but the legal culture of each destination country, because it is a lawful profession," he added.

Therefore, termination of sending workers but the government, one of them with a road map that has been targeted by 2017.

"The plan's termination of migrant workers has become a necessity to protect our citizens who work abroad, concern and empathy for the suffering of migrant workers President," he concluded.

Police Prostration Thanksgiving Mass, Vice Chief: That's Just The expression in the Field

(TRIBUNNEWS) _ BOGOR, A number of police perform prostration of gratitude bulk welcomed the decision of the South Jakarta District Court that the determination of Budi Gunawan by the KPK as a suspect invalid.
In addition, the South Jakarta Police Chief Commissioner Revelation Adiningrat also lifted into the air repeatedly by members as excitement over the judge's decision.
In response to these actions, Vice Chief Commissioner General of Police Badrodin Haiti says it is merely the expression of members who were working in the field. Not orders from superiors.
"It could have been an expression. Its like it go ahead," he conveyed to reporters at the presidential palace in Bogor, West Java, on Monday (02/16/2015).
Badrodin also the fate of Budi Gunawan sworn or not to the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). "Sworn or not, it is the decision of the President," said deputy chief.
"Sworn or not, it is the decision of the President," said deputy chief.
Pre-trial-related decisions, deputy chief claim to respect the decision. "We respect the court's decision. We as law enforcement agencies to respect the court's decision," said deputy chief.
He also will study the results of a verdict regarding a decision on a lawsuit filed Budi Gunawan. Because the new Badrodin know the pre-trial decision of the media.
"As a result, if you want to be have to read the verdict reads how. Because there is no legal considerations, what is the basis for the decision," he explained.
Furthermore, Badrodin claimed to have not met Budi, and met the President of post-South Jakarta District Court ruled in favor of pretrial Budi against Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) this morning.
"Not met. Was not it just got home from here to Jakarta," he said.

Potential Fuel Price Rise in Early March

(OKEZONE) - BOGOR, With the start rebound in world oil prices in recent weeks, making the government consider raising the price of fuel oil (BBM) and Premium Solar kind in early March 2015.

Noted the current world oil prices, has risen to the level of USD59 per barrel. Earlier, world oil prices plunged to as low as USD48 per barrel.

"World oil prices are rising, the end of the month may be rising, but do not know us (magnitude). Depending on international prices," said Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Djalil, in Bogor, West Java, on Monday (02/16/2015).

He said the establishment of fluctuating fuel prices can not directly set the amount. Because, should see the movement of the average price of oil.

"can not be the benchmark, depending on international prices. Because we still import. Depending on the (rising), if the price of USD 50 per barrel oil could sell fuel Rp6.600 per liter, if USD45 per barrel could go down again. If USD60 per barrel will rise again , "said Sofyan.
On the other hand, Sofyan said that fuel prices in the month of February 2015 has not changed. "This month, until the end of the month still remains. For the 15th until the end of February anyway," he added.

Fuel price movements like this, the minister said, had been following the economic price to see the movement of world oil prices.

"The end of the month depends, if the price down will come down. Price's ride will definitely go up. That's the name economics. But the increase was certainly appropriate. Even if in a good state, rising daily," he concluded.

Bring "Hollywood" to Batam

"Children Indonesia is more adaptive, fast absorbing system according to the needs. Sometimes it` kepepet` (they) are more creative. "
(ANTARA)- BATAM,Minister Arief Yahya entourage walked down the halls dungeon.
Aisle dusty, with yellow walls full of scratches; which at a glance shows its age.

The delegation arrived at a similar workshop room, full of machine parts and tools. However, there is still no sign of them close to the exit gate.

Which is just down the hall claustrophobic dim orange light illuminated the ceiling which is not higher than adults it up at some point the group stopped.

"Later this room will be blown up," said a man in the front row.

The above events are not plot the kidnapping or confinement of a high-ranking state. However, only a tour to one of the artificial set for filming in a studio Infinite Studios.

A number of journalists with the Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya recently visited the film and animation studios are located in Nongsa, Batam, Riau Islands Province.

In the creative complex which was built in an area of 10 hectares on top of a hill with a panoramic view of the sea, filmmakers film from inside and outside the country working on various film series and the big screen as well as animation.

In one indoor studio, the production crew was busy in front of the set are made as at the alien spacecraft.

Some round objects such as eggs hanging detained by ropes that look like black slime, an environment that looks very strange.

"It's for the filming Beyond the Skyline," said Mike Wiluan, CEO of Infinite Studios.

Beyond the Skyline is a sequel of the previous film, Skyline, themed invasion of extraterrestrials to Earth.

"May the photos, but it must not be uploaded (upload)," said the son of Indonesian conglomerate Kris Wiluan it to the group's Ministry of Tourism and journalists.

Moving from one studio to another studio like traveling across time and place for every studio has a "world" different.

After the hallways of artificial and background alien movie, Mike brings guests to the leading outdoor studio complex which was built to resemble Chinatown with old store buildings and walls obsolete.

There is a pawn shop, coffee shop, up to the bar. Wall and pillar houses the artificial takluput of detailed touch with patches leaflets and pamphlets advertising lettered Chinese kanji.

Made to resemble one corner of the city of Singapore past with wide paved road about 6 feet, 1 hectare outdoor studio was once used as a film set Blackhat, directed by Michael Mann and starring Chris Hemsworth, best known for his role as Thor.

Currently Chinatown complex is also being used for filming TV series Serangoon Road which will be aired on HBO.

In the open studio complex was also built sets that resemble Prambanan. "Because of the high costs to get there, we made just setnya here," said Mike.

Menpar was then photographed by Mike Wiluan with two lovely nan tourism ambassador in front of the fake Prambanan temple.

Strategic and Competitive
Technical Director Infinite Studios Daniel Harjanto said that currently 90 percent of the use of production services ranging from shooting the film, visual effects, sound, animation is up to consumers from abroad.

In addition to its strategic location in Batam Island, directly adjacent to Singapore and Malaysia, Infinite Studios also offer the most competitive price for the production of the film.

"For the TV series, the cost per episode is about 120 thousand dollars per thirty minutes," said Daniel.

Meanwhile, continued Daniel, the cost of production in the United States could reach 400 thousand - 450 thousand dollars, while in Korea between 185 thousand - 215 thousand dollars.

if many international filmmakers and neighboring countries, such as Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brunei Darussalam, who are interested in working with the studio that was pioneered in the 2004's.

Infinite Studios also became the headquarters for more than 219 digital artist or animator, of which 90 percent are children of the nation, to produce animated films.

One animated feature films produced in Infinite Studios is Sing to the Dawn or Reaching Dreams, released in cinemas Indonesia in September 2009.

In addition, there is also an animated series that worked like Garfield and Peter Rabbit, which has aired for 108 episodes on Nickelodeon channel.

Most of the animated figures has been designed from outside the studio, while the animators Infinite Studios is focused on the production of the film.

Daniel also admitted that the Indonesian animators have advantages compared with the artists from neighboring countries and abroad.

"Children are more adaptive Indonesian, fast absorbing system according to the needs. Sometimes it is trapped (they) are more creative," said Daniel.

To create animated films over 11 minutes, as many as 20 artists animator takes four to five weeks, said Daniel.

Indonesian artists, according to him, is actually much more competitive because of living in a country rich in culture and art.

"Since the fourth century AD there kingdom in Indonesia, the farmers in Bali can paint and sculpt well. In terms of capabilities, we are superior artistic," said Daniel.

Menpar Arief Yahya also highly appreciate the visit and was impressed with what he has built Mike Wiluan and filmmakers working in Infinite Studios.

"However, if it is directed to the design and marketing, profitability will be higher," said Menpar.

When compared to the design and marketing, "value chain" has a production part profitabillitas lowest among the three because of high production costs. "Later, children are more directed to it," said Arief.

Thus, Indonesia can be a lot of competition in the creative industries, especially film, with creative ideas, no need to waste and a big factory, but has a "value" or higher value, please Menpar.

In addition, Ariel looked at the film could be a medium that has a great contribution to the promotion of tourism in Indonesia.

While watching the trailer and "behind the scenes" movie Blackhat, Menpar very impressed when a number of Indonesian culture as Ogoh-Ogoh parade and Ondel-Ondel become one of the objects in several scenes of the movie were taken in Jakarta and a number of other places in Indonesia that.

"It becomes a way of PR (Public Relations) and good branding (for Indonesia)," said Arief.

As was the case after the Pacific Islands removed through the film Laskar Pelangi. "From there, we see the great influence of the film on tourism," said Arief.

Arief and Mike have opened talks to make the concept of creativity in the center of the complex is called Batam Infinite Studios Digital Valley as a place for young people who are creative, especially in the field of cinema and animation.

Going forward, in addition to being the center of creativity, Infinite Studios may just be one of the tourist destinations on the island of Batam, where tourists can be recreation and learning about filmmaking and animation, please Menpar.

If the great movies like James Bond, Star Wars, and Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed at Pinewood Studios did in the UK, someday may be more and more filmmakers of Hollywood and world famous that carries them to the camera and crew Infinite Studios to shoot in Indonesia to explore a wide variety of natural and cultural richness of Indonesia to enrich the story in their films.

Judge: Case Budi Gunawan Not Cause Losses Country

(KOMPAS) - JAKARTA, Judge Sarpin Rizaldi decided that the determination of the Commissioner-General Budi Gunawan suspects by the KPK is not valid. Judge considers the Commission does not have authority to investigate cases that ensnare Budi.

In the verdict read in the South Jakarta District Court on Monday (16/02/2015), the judge considers a request Sarpin legal team Budi Gunawan included in pretrial object. Budi parties questioned the establishment as a suspect by the KPK.
Commission set Budi as a suspect in a case of alleged corruption in the form of the acceptance of gifts or promises during his tenure as Head of Career Development Bureau (Karobinkar) Human Resources Deputy Police 2003-2006 and other positions in the police.

Article 11 of Law No. 30 of 2002 on the Commission set up a number of things that the authority of the Commission. Mentioned, the Commission is authorized to conduct an inquiry, investigation, and prosecution of corruption cases involving law enforcement officials, state officials, and others in connection with corruption offenses committed by law enforcement officers or state officials.

In addition, a case that received attention plaguing the society as well as cases involving state losses of at least $ 1 billion.

According Sarpin, Karobinkar an administrative position and not law enforcement. In addition, when the alleged cases occurred, Budi not the organizers of the country because it was still class echelon II A.

Judge considers that the public does not know Budi while still serving Karobinkar. Public, he said, are new to the respective Budi since decided to become a candidate head of the Police by President Joko Widodo.

The day after that, the applicant named as a suspect by the Commission so that the classification of public attention as referred to Article 11, paragraph b of Law Commission are not met.

There is no loss of state

Judge Sarpin also considers the case that ensnared Budi not harm the state. Judge refers to warrant investigation (sprindik) dated January 12, 2015, the contents Budi suspected of corruption together in the form of a gift receipt.

"Considering that the act of receiving a gift or promise not associated with losses to the state because of the actions related to the abuse of power and authority. As such, what allegedly committed by the applicant (John) did not cause losses to the state. So that the qualification in Article Law Commission was not proved , "said Sarpin.

Over all these considerations, the judge considers the case Budi Sarpin not subject to the law of the perpetrators of corruption under the authority of the Commission to conduct an inquiry, investigation, and prosecution.

"So, the Commission investigation conducted unauthorized and unlawful. Determination quo (the suspect) is not a bona fide binding legal force," said Sarpin.

Komjen Budi Win Pretrial, Andi Widjajanto slightly Talk

(DETIK) - JAKARTA,Single judge South Jakarta District Court in favor preparadilan Sarpin Rizaldi filed Commissioner General Budi Gunawan. Determination of the prospective Chief of Police suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission deemed invalid by a judge Sarpin.

Cabinet Secretary Andi Widjajanto reluctant to leave a comment related to the granting pretrial Budi Gunawan the Commissioner General. Including when asked about the possibility of an attitude to be taken by the President Joko Widodo.

"Do not know, do not know me. I want to Bogor, there will be a meeting in Bogor Palace," he told reporters after a public hearing by the Commission in the parliament complex III, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (02/16/2015). Andi called Commission III, which are steeped in political meetings KPK chairman Abraham Samad before the presidential election last year as the Acting Secretary General of the PDIP Hasto dikuak Kristiyanto.

Asked about the possibility of attitude Jokowi whether to induct Komjen Budi today, Andi also declined to comment. Andi again argued that he did not know the problem. "I do not know, because I was here all day," said a senior politician's son Theo Syafei PDIP this.

Andi asked members of the media regarding the status of pending Jokowi Komjen Budi. "Wait just decision of the President. Wait, yes," said he in a hurry to go.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Jokowi Request Termination Delivery TKI Assessed, BNP2TKI Prepare Step

(DETIK) - JAKARTA, Jokowi President requested the study to the Ministry of Labor to stop sending domestic workers (PRT) abroad. BNP2TKI ready to undertake various measures and a breakthrough in order to realize the orders of the President.

"The point we are ready to secure orders of the President. As a great nation, we must lift the dignity of the nation," said the head of the National Agency for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Workers (BNP2TKI) Nusron Wahid in a statement in Jakarta.

According Nusron, in order to improve the quality of the welfare and protection of Indonesian workers (TKI) key is in education. Good for migrant workers in the formal or informal sector, they should be provided with education memadahi.

"Hence, BLK (Training Center) that already exist should be upgraded. School vocational must be multiplied," he said.

Nusron well aware that labor should be upgraded so as not to become domestic workers or domestic helpers (Housemaid).

"They need us lift with training. So the optimal benefits are also more and more. We agree, and that's our main task in BNP2TKI, and of course Kemenaker," he explained.

According to him, now almost in all districts / cities there BLK. But, he said, I have found no specified for prospective migrants. Therefore, need to be upgraded BLK-BLK there was to be optimized to provide training for prospective migrant workers in order to be in the formal sector placement, no longer a PRT.

"It's made by President that there are still many of our domestic workers abroad it makes us as a state of shame. Because of this problem dignity. To that end, should be encouraged to increase the competence of the prospective migrants and oversight of efforts that also needs to be improved, "he said.

As is known, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants to immediately stop sending Indonesian workers overseas domestic workers as closely linked to self-esteem and dignity of the nation. The President also has given a target to related parties to make a clear roadmap, and appropriate steps when to stop sending domestic workers such thing.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources: The smelter will be built in Timika

ANTARA - TIMIKA,Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Sudirman Said ensure that the construction of the smelter will be in Papua.

Sudirman said, of the meeting with the Papuan People's Assembly, the Governor of Papua, Mimika Regent, the Parliament, represented by Tony Ward agreed to the construction of the smelter.

"PT Freeport Indonesia and the central government, local governments agreed on the construction of a smelter in Timika, Papua, Papua Construction of the project into pembagunan nasianal and the Ministry of Energy will establish Smelter Capacity Management Team," said Sudirman Said in his press conference in Timika on Sunday.

Other agreements, said Sudirman, is the construction of the smelter is part of the construction industry prepared by the Regional Government of Papua and local governments Mimika.

"Construction of the project part of the construction industry prepared Mimika regional government and the local government of Papua. The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing will fully support the plan," he said.

PT Freeport Indonesia, said Sudirman Said also supports the plan.

"PT Freeport Indonesia will fully support the development process smelter difficult to break through the area. Local Government and Local Government Papua Mimika will prepare the team that will manage the region.

"So the local government and the local government of Papua Mimika is the counterpart for anyone either partner, PT Freeport Indonesia, investors, and the team will determine," said Sudirman.

Finally, said Sudirman, deal smelter development in Papua ahead is to build the economy of Papua.

"In the future smelter not wake issue is no longer a political aspect," said Sudirman.

Rule Applied Susi, Traditional Fishermen Catch Soaring

KOMPAS - MEDAN,Traditional fishermen in Labuhan Deli, Medan District Marelan surge following the ban on catches of fishing gears trawl, drag, and hela as regulations issued by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti.

"The prohibition of the fishing gear according to the Minister of Marine and Fisheries No. 2 of 2015, because they damage the marine biological resources," said Secretary General of Solidarity Traditional Fishermen (Sonar), Ruslan in Labuhan Deli, Saturday (14/02/2015).

The increase in catches of small fishermen, he said, among other types of squid, shrimp kelong, snapper, grouper, and others.

"Catch the most widely obtained fishermen are squid and at sea can get hundreds of pounds for every fishermen using small size boats," said Ruslan.

He said, normally the traditional fishermen catch squid in Belawan waters only for one week, and after it has begun to diminish.

However, for nearly a month, fishing continues to gain catch squid. "Anyway squid caught by fishermen Labuhan Deli continue endlessly flooded and they take it from sea to land," said the fisherman figure.

Ruslan explained, the acquisition of a small fishing sustenance obtained it, totally unexpectedly, and the price of squid was also quite expensive at Rp 50,000 per kg.

In addition, squid catches of fishermen are also quite good and the quality of exports to several countries.

"Squid from Labuhan Deli, and Belawan often sent to Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, and other countries," he said.

The data obtained, which are in the coastal fishing North Field, there were approximately 11,000 people and 60 percent of them are traditional fishermen using small fishing boats. While 40 per cent of modern fishing boat / boat.

Movies 'SOKOLA RIMBA' touched the hearts of audiences in New York

New York (DETIK HOT) -Film 'SOKOLA RIMBA' success touched the hearts of audiences in New York, USA. On Saturday (14/02/2015) local time, Indonesian-American Cine Club (IACC) to play the movie directed by Riri Riza was in theaters Anthology Film Archive.

The screening of 'SOKOLA Jungle' is part of the screening program in New York Indonesian monthly. Although confronted snowfall, nearly 100 people took time to watch a movie starring playback Prisia Nasution it.

"We are happy because in addition to citizens who live here, many locals (New Yorkers) are coming," said Emilia Chandra Ortiz, one of the founders of IACC in a statement on Sunday (02/15/2015).

Film 'SOKOLA RIMBA' played by the IACC as a series of programs to preserve and promote Indonesian film in America. Through the film, IACC hope to give a message to keep the Indonesian forest conservation of damage and attract many spectators non-citizen who is in New York.

The film is inspired by the true story of the experience of a teacher who is also an anthropologist who wants to change people's lives in the jungle on the island of Sumatra, with the teaching of reading. 'SOKOLA RIMBA' show to the audience in New York that there are still people living in one of the forests in Indonesia with all the love and concern for the environment and the threat of forest protection induced illegal loggers.

"The movie is very interesting, the story is very touching, very salute Mother Butet teacher, I am happy," said Maria Guran, one of the UN staff in attendance.

'SOKOLA Jungle' is the second film after the film played by IACC 'Tabula Rasa' at the end of last January.

"We want to promote quality Indonesian films to the people of New York and the citizens who live in the New York area," said Amalia Suryani, one of the initiators of IACC.

"The film is so cool, I like the story. It's inspiring and actually I was amazed by the quality of the movie 'SOKOLA RIMBA'. I strongly support this event," said Conali Emencier, an IT Engineer of the company Morgan Stanly, New York in attendance to watch together wife and two friends.

Film 'SOKOLA RIMBA' has been awarded as the best film of Maya Cup 2013, as well as Best Actress and Best Child Actor in Indonesian Movie Awards 2014.